Pedigreed Breeding for beginners.
Sunday, September 29th, 2024
2:00:00 PM – 4:30 PM
Black Valley Farm
9048 Black Valley Road
Everett, PA 15537

An introduction to Selective Breeding of Pedigreed Stock!
An intensive learning experience from industry leaders who have been putting the Kunekune to WORK since 2009. Applicable to Registered Kunekune breeders, hobbyists, homesteaders and families... anyone with aspirations towards growing and maintaining a Kunekune herd of substance.
Alana has been practicing selective breeding for over a decade with internationally recognized results. She has traveled abroad to study the work of Robert Bakewell with the New Dishley Society, corresponded personally with leaders of the Livestock Conservancy, and has published articles on the subject.
Managing one of the nations largest closed herds, producing award winning stock and reliable production animals, while maintaining the genetic integrity of the Kunekune breed, Alana stands as an awarded steward of the Kunekune breed. This class will be the first to be offered by Black Valley specifically on the topic of breeding philosophy and its application in the day-to-day management of pig keepers.